An International Congress/summit of Druids... Akiernox Sun May 10 20:02:48 1998 Searles: Know ye of any international summit of druids like the Eistyddfod of old whence the druids from across Europe (now from across the world) met/meet? Such a thing would be useful, if there be not one now; there should be. I have been in much discussion with friends, and I have told them all that was on my mind but such is too long to put in writing here. Here are the basics (at least as far as druids are concerned): There is currently a need for an international congress of Druids, that with such a Congress we might be more able to do our duties as druids in the modern world, such a congress would also act as a catalyst that would bring together those who are pagans and yet not druids, and thus we would have better leverage with which to politically help those who are but the common folk of the world and to whom we owe much for what is left of the old ways that survive, came down through them. Also, I think of the druids and dryads who sacrificed themselves at Anglesey in 61 AD so that Bouddicca could attack the Romans at Lundinium; what would/do they think of this situation that the world is in. The unity established by such a Congress would be an imediate threat to those who wish to maintain the current status quo, and even wish to increase it by enslaving the people. Already it happens, and those who dissent and wish to fight must be put down. SUch an undertaking would require much courage, But I for one would be willing to sacrifice myself for the greater good.