Books and Suggestions for the Beginning Student of Draíocht Searles Tue Jul 7 11:41:17 1998 As I believe that the Art and Science of Draíocht is composed of five circles of being, (Land-Physical, Sea-Mental, Sky-Spiritual, Otherworld-Occult, Center-Creation), I also believe that a study of these arts and sciences should include the knowledge of each circle in increasingly more complex levels of intensity. I have surveyed the available texts and books and these books are those that I recommend for those embarking on the first circle of being, which is a study of the physical world and the Land:*p*_A Druid's Herbal_ and _Tree Medicine, Tree Magic_ by Ellen Evert Hopman. These two books serve to introduce the beginning student of Draíocht to a Druid's way of looking at herbs, trees and medicines. They are both practical as well as useful.*p*Any of a variety of field guides to birds, animals and plants/trees in your local area as well as the world in general should also be studied so that one may recognize the various species and their uses. *p*I recommend a study of Ogham writing through whatever work is handy to you (more for an understanding of its use in actual writing and classification, than its other esoteric uses, which will come later). Edred Thorsson's, _The Book of Ogham_ is a decent start, though I recommend my own work: _Ogham Divination, A Study in Recreating and Discovering the Ancient Ways of the Druids_. There is also a good discussion of the Ogham in _The Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom_ by John and Caitlín Matthews that I recommend (this book also has a good introduction to other Celtic-Druidical concepts).*p*A text with the ancient tales is also required. This could be Lady Gregory's, _Gods and Fighting Men_, or Cross and Slover's _Ancient Irish Tales_. The Mabinogian by various authors (Guest, Gantz, Ford, etc..) *p*A book of folklore is also recommended (take your pick here...more recommendations coming soon).*p*A study of mathematics, building methods, languages (especially Celtic ones), astronomy, hunting-fishing-farming methods, first-aid, computer programming and use, health and physical fitness should also be started at this time (or continued, as the case may be).*p*It is my intention to add to this list for the circle of the Land and to also make suggestions for the circle of The Sea in my next few postings.*p*Is mise le meas,*p*Searles*br* A Start on the Path