Re: Addressing Druids Daibhaid & Lynne O'Broder Sun Dec 2 23:35:29 2001 Daven wrote,*br*: Taliesin2 wrote,*br*: : Either way, I'd like to know how those studying to *br*: : become Druids addressed the Druids that were *br*: : training them. Thoughts?*br*:*br*(snippers good stuff)*p*: Daven*p*With those whom I'm working/worked with I have been addressed as Ard Draoi or Ollamh. To my comrades in arms :^) Daibhaid, Daibhi, or just dumbass. ;)*p*I think that basically we are addressed by those who are entering with some awe that some reserve for a magnum persona such as a high cleric, until they work with us closer.*p*When I have taught in the past on various bases, my own Martial Arts passion, I usually open the first class of the session ( I run 6 week sessions ) by telling the whole of the class, new and old. You may address me as Mr. or Sir. There are some who require the title of Sensei (Japanese for Teacher) or Shidoshi (Teacher of the Warriors Ways of Enlightenment), however...that is not within my demands. *p*A title should be applied in the cases of the seniors with which you work as they are most likely the equivalent of a Professor in their study. *p*Just my 2p.*p*Daibhaid Re: Addressing Druids Daven 1010 Sun - Dec 2 - 5:13pm