Re: Nine Blessings or Twenty Seven Blessings? Searles Thu Dec 6 13:25:17 2001 Nine blessings goes along with the idea that the self and the worlds are composed of nine qualities. In Irish these nine qualities are called "dúile."*br* Using the SEARCH option in the headings for this message board I located where I'd posted about this topic previously:*p*BIRTH BLESSING: (given by the mid-wife at the time of birth as found in _The Carmina Gadelica_ by Alexander Carmichael)*p*A small wave for your ... form, voice, speech, means, generosity, appetite, wealth, life, health, Nine waves of grace.*p*There are other aspects of being that could be blessed in a similar manner. "Nine blessings" means to be *completely* blessed.*p*If one wanted to give 27 blessings, then I'd suggest selecting nine aspects or qualities for the body, nine for the mind and nine for the spirit.*p*That would cover just about every part of one's creation and self in a blessing.*p*Searles*p*Taliesin2 wrote,*br*: Greetings. Like some of you, I use the expression *br*: _Nine Blessings_ in closing a post or Email. I had *br*: previously asked why Nine Blessings, but I have *br*: lost the explanation. So I ask that a explanation*br*: be reposted (please) and if possible all*br*: twenty-seven blessings be posted. Thanks.*br* Nine Blessings or Twenty Seven Blessings? Taliesin2 1000 Wed - Nov 28 - 8:46pm