Re: Addressing Druids Searles Sat Dec 22 09:33:44 2001 I'd think that they addressed their Teachers, Poets, Druids and Prophets with respect and honor and using their names and possibly their titles:*p*Búanann Mhúinteora*p*Ferchertne Fhili*p*Cathbad Draoi*p*Fedhelm Fháidh*p*Some of us have been very busy in the past month(s). There's been a war going on and 90% of it is being done through intelligence and logistics (as always). I am in great hopes that the members can continue to post and share information even when those of us who are staff are otherwise occupied. Each person has access to their own wisdom and a greater wisdom when the light is within them.*p*Searles*p*Taliesin2 wrote,*br*: Wow, either everybody on the Staff is too busy to *br*: reply to my messages or I'm Persona Non Grata. :-) *br*: Either way, I'd like to know how those studying to *br*: become Druids addressed the Druids that were *br*: training them. Thoughts?*br* Addressing Druids Taliesin2 1009 Sun - Dec 2 - 3:04pm