Re: Addressing Druids Daibh n Lynne Sat Dec 22 09:41:47 2001 Query, would Cathbad be addressed as Draoi or Ollamh? Or possibly Ard Draoi?*p*daibh*p*Searles wrote,*br*: I'd think that they addressed their Teachers, *br*: Poets, Druids and Prophets with respect and honor *br*: and using their names and possibly their titles:*p*At to your message Tals, *br*I am under the impression that you probably know of what is happening in our life, otherwise, please write private and we can palaver. :^) It's been an interesting time, sometimes it is difficult to concentrate during interesting times. *p*daibh*br* Re: Addressing Druids Searles 1016 Sat - Dec 22 - 09:33am