DreamSeekern66@aol.com Re: Inquiry Searles Wed Jan 23 07:39:13 2002 Tá fáilte romhat, a DreamSeeker.*p*I haven't yet established (for this year) the schedules for the two classes that I teach. I plan to have a staff meeting soon to see if other classes are also in the works.*p*My thinking is to not wait for classes to start or be offered but to post questions, answers and inquieries on the message boards or in IRC. Every day is an educational experience or at least the opportunity to learn.*p*Blessings,*p*Searles*p**p*DreamSeeker wrote,*br*: Greetings. When is the next class (of any kind) *br*: scheduled? I should like to attend. ELayne*br* Inquiry DreamSeeker 1020 Wed - Jan 23 - 00:16am