question to pose to the group... Red Turtle Thu Jan 24 15:13:23 2002 last night i had the opportunity to attend an assembly of prayers for peace at the unity church of north atlanta, attended also by members of atleast 12 other faiths. we all offered our prayers "unique" to our faiths (about peace). it is a night that i shall remember always. our group that Sweats and drums together got asked to do drumming and "open" the assembly of prayers. one woman showed us a garden they have designed. in it will be 12 - 3' circles. each circle wil have on it a plaque or somekind of monument or something that will have a single symbol on it that will represent one of 12 faiths they chose to represent. the partial list of those 12 are: christianity, b'hai, buddhist, hindu, muslim, jewish, native, zoroastarian (spelling?), sikh, shinto (i think is one), tao, and pagan. when she says pagan, she told me she means earth worshipping people. she knows nothing about paganism, but recognizes that many many people follow that path, and she wants it recognized in this garden. also, these 12 circles encircle a central circle, i t will have a pillar on it with 12 sides. each side will have on it a single phrase that not only represents that faith but will have something akin to the phrase "may god be always be in our mind". i had offered up to her the notion that "pagan" is a fairly encompasing term. so , knowing that we all know what i mean by "pagan", please answer the following questions better help the unity church of north atlanta create a garden of peace that is representational of as many faiths as possible coming together in this way. oh, also, i found this interesting...they had a feng shui expert come in and design the garden, and give the location it needs to be on the properity....neat huh?*p*anyway..onto the questions...*p*1) what one symbol would you say is encompassing of paganism?...not soley of wicca or duidry or etc etc.*p*2) what one phrase is encompassing of paganism that expresses the concept of "may god be always in our *br* minds"? (again, not solely a phrase devoted towards wicca or druidry,etc ,etc)*p**br*slainte*br*Red Turtle