Re: question to pose to the group... Daibh n Lynne Wed Jan 30 22:19:59 2002 Welcome to the group and welcome to the lists! :^)*p*Kereine wrote,*br*: Hi everyone!*br*(snipped)*p*: :*br*: : 1) what one symbol would you say is encompassing of paganism?...*br*(snipped)*p*I have the belief that we need a unified symbolism of the Father and Mother figure. Specifically as Draoicht is not typically a mother / Goddess based religion in toto. In Paganism in general there is no singular symbol however, the idea is intriguing.*p*: : 2) what one phrase is encompassing of paganism that expresses the concept of "may god be always in our minds"? *br*: There are few phrases I've heard from wiccans, *br*: ecclectics, and from people here, but two stood *br*: out too me. "Blessed be" can be heard *br*: anywhere from just about anyone and it is even *br*: accepted as a blessing by some Christains. The *br*: other phrase that I've heard often, in one form or *br*: another, is "As ye harm none, do as ye *br*: will." This pharse is the basic, underlying *br*: principle of many of the 'natural' faiths. *br*: Perhaps a combination of the two would suffice as *br*: an all-enclusive phrase such as, "As ye harm *br*: none, blessed be." Such a phrase as *br*: this would convey the tolerant and peaceful *br*: attitude of pagans everywhere. *p*True, however, IMHO the rede isn't applicable, as again IMHO it is a majorly open ended statement. As to the thought process or such a similar saying, there are several. "Dia Dhuit", "Sláinte", Déithe Dhiut"; God to you, Health to you and Gods to you. There are others as well, but the main thing we should strive for is peace and tolerance coupled with a sense of justice on the surface or underneath. We should not fear to dispense as we see fit that which we deem as words of justice or elements thereof. Whether I should say, by word or deed. *p*: These are just some of my thoughts.*br*:*br*: Slainte,*br*: -Kereine*p*Good thoughts, share on! :^)*p*Daibhaid Re: question to pose to the group... Kereine 1032 Wed - Jan 30 - 2:55pm