This Morning's Omen TopazOwl Thu Mar 21 14:47:06 2002 A flock of blackbirds flying east...thousands of them, flying joyfully into the place where the sun rises. Their flight pattern rose and fell, rose and fell, as though a great black snake made his way across the sky.*p* This is a message for more than one. It is an omen meant to be shared with all Druids. The blackbird is the bird of the gateway to the Otherworld. He is the beginning of the journey. Here in this vision he represents us, Druids, a great gathering of Druids, who are heading toward a new beginning, a healing, a learning place of spirit. We are to become more self-aware through the discovery of the song of our soul.*p* It must be done together. We must travel as a flock, helping each other along the way. Fly with me into the rising Sun, where we may learn how to wield the Sword of Nuada, my brethren! The time has come.*p*Leigh