Re: native american burial grounds desecration Searles O'Dubhain Thu Mar 21 22:24:02 2002 Thanks for calling my attention to this. I signed the petition and will be soon traveling to Ft. Payne to see what can be done by meeting with both sides on this issue (if possible).*br*I know I feel the same way about the ancient burial grounds of the O'Dubhains around Knowth in Ireland. There is a fine line between science, archaeology and desecration. Any dig (if there *is* a dig) needs to be done under the supervision and guidance of the people whose families and realtives are being disturbed. I guess I'm saying that it needs to be done in a manner that acknowledges the sacredness and sanctity of the people, beings and spirits involved.*p*Searles*p*Red Turtle wrote,*br*: not sure what board to put this under, *br*: "druid" seems to be my default message *br*: board...^_^*p* native american burial grounds desecration Red Turtle 1051 Tue - Mar 19 - 11:19am