Re: Making Ogham Staves Stacey Tue Mar 26 00:26:56 2002 Thank you for your reply Searles!*p*I found a few sites where one could buy staves and it appears that they could come square or rectangular (if you look at them from the top). I measured my index finger and found it to be 3" long (a good number!) I am thinking about making them square as somehow that seems to make more sense and would be easier to eyeball if once were making the staves totally by hand (no power tools).*p*How do you pronounce Fidh? Like "fee?" And Fedha? Like "fehya?"*p*Tapadh leibh,*p*Stacey*p*Searles wrote,*br*: Stacey,*br*:*br*: The answers to your questions are:*br*:*br*: 1. It's ok to make the Ogham staves from any sort *br*: of wood that is special to you, especially if it *br*: is *gifted* to you.*br*:*br*: 2. The staves can be anywhere from a knuckle's *br*: length to a finger's length for most purposes. *br*: There is a record of some that were said to be *br*: about 24 feet long! :-) These were used for record *br*: keeping and not for divination however.*br*:*br*: 3. I prefer those that have the strokes carved on, *br*: but wood burning is also ok. There is no mandate *br*: on how this is done though traditionally Ogma was *br*: said to have carved his with a knife.*br*:*br*: 4. The staves are called fedha (plural) and fidh *br*: (singular) in Irish. This is another name for *br*: "woods."*br*:*br*: 5. The staves or fedha can be four-square, or *br*: three-sided, or almost flat like a Rune (when *br*: carved on the face of the fidh instead of the *br*: edge/druim). I've seen small branches that were *br*: cut on a diagonal at the end and then the Ogham *br*: character was either burned or painted on the *br*: diagonal sopace. These were about a finger's *br*: length long and seemed to work well for casting.*br*:*br*: In summary, any wood will do so long as it has a *br*: special connection for you. How the fedha are *br*: shaped, carved and cut is also an individual *br*: preference. One must keep in mind that the Ogham *br*: serve as a doorway to the Cosmos and the Gods for *br*: the Seer. It's a two-way street that should be *br*: viewed as sacred and esoteric fo you and your own *br*: traditions.*br*:*br*: Searles*br* Re: Making Ogham Staves Searles 1064 Sat - Mar 23 - 12:19am