Re: Bealtine Searles Tue Apr 30 21:41:06 2002 Toliem wrote,*br*: Hi diddly ho to all.*br*:*br*: Just wanted to wish everyone a very happy and *br*: productive Bealtine, filled with joy and laughter.*br*:*br*: Blessings be thine one and all,*br*: Toliem*p*A Tolieum Uasal,*p*So far it's been a very "anything can happen" kind of Bealtaine. I think it's doubly important to watch all our esoteric p's and q's while having fun at this time of year. The veils are thin and magic is afoot!*p*This Saturday we're going to attend a Maypole dance with other local Paganfolk on the mountain nearby and afterwards it will be a picnic and a frolic for all! :-)*p**br*Bennachtaí na Féile Beltaine,*p*Searles Bealtine Toliem 1078 Tue - Apr 30 - 4:45pm