The Advice of Finn to MacLugach Searles Thu Dec 26 01:35:02 2002 This is an example of a wisdom text like Audacht Morainn:*p*The Advice of Finn to MacLugach*p*MacLUGACH! says Finn,*br*If armed service be thy design,*br*In a great man's household be quiet, Be surly in the rugged pass. Without a fault of his*br*Beat not thy hound;*br*Until thou ascertain her guilt*br*Bring not a charge against thy wife; In battle meddle not with a buffoon, For, O MacLugach, he is but a fool. Censure not any if he be of grave repute; Stand not up to take part in a brawl; Neither have anything to do with either a mad man or a wicked one. Two-thirds of thy gentleness be shewn to women and to creepers on the floor, Likewise to men of art that make the duans; And be not violent to the common people.*br*With thy familiars, with them that are of thy counsel, Hasten not to be the first into bed; Perverse alliance shun, and all that is prohibited; Yield not thy reverence to all. Utter not swaggering speech,*br*Nor say that thou wilt not render the thing that is right; For a shameful thing it is to speak too stiffly Unless that it be possible to carry out thy words. So long as in the universe thou shalt exist, Thy lord forsake not;*p*Neither for gold nor for other earthly valuables Abandon thou thy guarantee.*br*To a chief utter not harsh criticism of his people; For it is not a `good man's' occupation*br*To abuse a great lord's people to their chief. Be not a frequenter of the drinking-house,*br*Nor given to carping at an ancient man;*br*The conduct thou hearest recommended, that is the right: Meddle not with a man of mean estate.*br*Deal not in refusing of thy meat,*br*And any that is penurious have not for a familiar; Force not thyself upon a chief,*br*Nor give a chief lord occasion to speak ill of thee. Stick to thy raiment,*br*Hold fast to thine armature,*br*Until the stern fight with its weapon-glitter be well ended; Never renounce to back thy luck,*br*Yet follow after gentleness, MacLugach.*p*Searles