Re: druid's role in prison ministry Searles Tue Mar 11 11:34:34 2003 Daven wrote,*br*: TopazOwl wrote,*br*: : (either by serving *br*: : the time or paying the eric), *br*:*br*: They have to pay me to be redeemed? LOL*p*Eraic or honor price is one of the fundamentals of Brehon Law along with tradition, honor and truth. It's assumed that any harm one has done to particular people or groups of people has affected their prosperity. I find that the offender accepting that everything has its price and making adequate repayment is a strong deterent to repeat offenses. This is especially true when such payments are enforced by self-responsibility-honor, family obligations-respect, and the enforcement capabilities of the state/people. Who wants to continually get shot in the foot? Crime should pay the victims and not the offenders. I like that idea a lot better than getting a pound of flesh. I'd much rather have a pound of currency. In olden times, those that became too expensive or offensive within their own families were dealt with immediately and severely or they became completely outlawed (which meant they only had the rights they could enforce by might and stealth rather than through law and respect).*p*Searles Re: druid's role in prison ministry Daven 1131 Tue - Mar 11 - 09:04am