Dream words Ianto pbfree@prodigy.net Sun Feb 22 18:48:57 2004 The subject was written a while ago so you probably have it figured by now. But i'll shove in my twopence worth anyway. *br* Of course i don't have to mention how important 9 is. 3+3+3 etc.*br* The 9th planet in our solar system is Pluto. It's probably a captured planet because it's orbit is so different from the other planets of our system. So if we think of our solar system as where we are in this part of our existence,(Abred) in Welsh, then the 9th planet is an outside of our space experience and addition.*br* The colors of the visible spectrum are the usual V.I.B.G.Y.O.R. The 2 other colors, not so easily seen but are felt in various ways are Ultra-Violet and Infra Red. *br* So the 9th color is Infra- Red, the color of heat and a couple of other things. *br* I do believe that if you meditate on these points you will realize the meaning of the (dream) Though i admit i'm more than half sure that you've already got it.*br* Bendigedig Fod*br* Ianto