Re: Weddings Searles Fri Jul 31 11:36:32 1998 The Irish had 10 forms of marriage that involved various levels of committment and financial responsibility. These marriages involved agreements between the families involved as well as the persons getting married. All of these agreements and their accompanying vows would have been sworn before a Druid (to make it especially binding and to record it into the tribal memories).*p*Handfastings or marriages of "a year and a day" were also called Tailtean Marriages after the site where the first games of Lughnasadh were held. Such marriages were considered temporary and trial marriages. I think there is an entire series of messages in a thread over on the An Daire Draiochta Message Board. There is much more on the subject in _Sex and Marriage in Ancient Ireland_ by Patrick Powers and also in _A Guide to Early Irish Law_ by Fergus Kelly.*p*Searles *p*Taliesin_2 wrote,*br*: Hello. I am asking about (Druid-style) weddings. No, I'm not *br*: getting married, but am curious aboutHow Druids performed *br*: the weddings. I know of the Handfasting (A year & a day) *br*: concept. But is that a Wiccan wedding? Is it relatively new? *br*: Or did the Druids do the Handfastings ( A year & a day) back *br*: when Druidry was strong & respected throughout the *br*: realms/kingdoms?*br* Weddings Taliesin_2 97 Tue Jun 30 00:56:32 1998