Re: Summerlands Bookstore - a beginning. Akiernox Sun May 10 20:12:07 1998 *br*Greywolf wrote,*br*: The Summerlands Bookstore - a beginning. *br*:*br*: I am looking for a bit of help. I will be working with Deb *br*: and Searles on getting the Summerlands Bookstore up and *br*: running. *br*:*br*: The idea is to get together a list of "GOOD" *br*: books, which can then be linked to Amazon.Com since we will *br*: be trying to get set up as an Amazon Associate. If all goes *br*: well, we will entertain an associate's relationship with the *br*: IBS bookstore as well. Other things could be done later on, *br*: such as videos, audio tapes, many other items (Deb is just *br*: full of good ideas). *br*:*br*Here are some excellent books, I only know their title and author so I'll e-mail the rest but they are: *p*1.) The Druids by Peter Beareford Ellis 2.) Druids and Old Irish Religions by James Bonwick 3.) The Book of Druidry by Ross Nichols, ed. by Philip Carr-Gomm 4.) The Irish Celtic Magical Tradition by Stephen Blamires *p*I know their quality because I have read them many times over and find that they are excellent. They are also in my private collection.*br* Summerlands Bookstore - a beginning. Greywolf 13 Sun May 10 20:06:46 1998