Re: Choices and Learning Beirdd Wed Aug 19 22:25:42 1998 May I make one suggestion that goes beyond classes and lessons? The cultivation of real conversation is something which has been lost to us. How many times do we find ourselves spending the time that the other person is speaking thinking about the next thing we will say rather than listening? Our silences in conversation, with others let alone within ourselves, is of vast importance, since it is in the silence that we learn, breathing in knowledge and inspiration.*p*I don't know how we can accomplish this in the Summerlands or anywhere else. I know it tires me out to try it!*p*--Beirdd *p*Searles wrote,*br*: *br*: (clipped) Many Druids and Druidic organizations that are known to me *br*: are seeking better ways to communicate their wisdom to the *br*: world in this present-day age of communication. Here in The *br*: Summerlands, teaching and learning are two of our highest *br*: goals and ambitions. We have been experimenting with *br*: various approaches to achieving these dreams. I'm looking *br*: for suggestions from my partners in the knowledge quest, as *br*: to how we can best teach and learn in this world thirsting *br*: for the mysteries and answers of Draíocht. *br*:*br*: Searles*br* Choices and Learning Searles 145 Wed Aug 19 14:53:53 1998