How Drai/ocht Works Searles Wed Aug 26 14:07:25 1998 On another list (Draiocht moderated by Ray White), a series of questions were asked regarding the laws of Magic and how it was seen to work. I am including my initial answers below as a beginning to a more complete and in depth investigation of these matters. I hope to be able to give and receive examples that support these points from the Celtic tales and traditions. I also hope to share with you the ways that the human spirit can be uplifted through practical physical, mental and spiritual disciplines. In so doing, I hope that we can each show and share the ways in which the many different religions, Magical systems and spiritual disciplines are all interconnected through the human spirit and deity.*p*"Do you believe that magic follows laws of science?"*p*Magic follows its own rules but its behavior can sometimes be related to*br*the laws of science and Nature as we observe its effects in the physical*br*world. Magic operates from the Otherworld into this world, so all of its*br*mechanisms and transformations are not observable from this point of*br*reference alone. A mathematical way of saying this is that Magic (as*br*observed in this world) is the projection of a system of higher level*br*tensors from a multiple space-time-continuum. Magic only follows the laws*br*of science after it has manifested into this reality. At the*br*discontinuities that exist (connecting worlds to Otherworlds), Magic enters*br*our reality with vectors and qualities that originated elsewhere according*br*to different sciences and natures.*p*"What do you think the laws of magic are? "*p*The laws of Magic have been summarized (from the worldview of this world)*br*in "Real Magic" by Isaac Bonewits. I will not attempt to detail them here,*br*but suggest a complete reading of that work for a detailed description of*br*each. The underlying law of Magic is that one must become a part of the*br**programming* of the illusions of realities in order to cause changes to*br*occur within that program. To change dreams, one must become conscious*br*within the dream state. To change realities one must connect to the*br*Greater Self, Deity or Totem in the realm of creation. That realm is the*br*Otherworld, which is reached by journeying between realities at*br*"in-between-places and states," or by being consumed by either "The Light"*br*or "The Abyss." The laws of Magic obey will, which is focused based upon*br*truth and connection.*p*"Do you think that praying, miracles, magic are aspects of the *br*same thing?"*p*Praying, miracles and Magic are all abnormalities and anomalies that occur*br*when the beings of the Otherworld (including the Magician) act across the*br*boundaries between worlds to cause change through acts of creation and*br*interconnection.*p*"Do you think that rituals and proper symbolic forms are very *br*important? If so why?"*p*Ritual and proper symbolic forms are necessary for the awakening and*br*synchronization of spiritual power when working with groups. Their analog*br*in personal practice can be found in meditation, mantras, mandalas and*br*esoteric alphabets and languages. A person must be raised to higher states*br*of consciousness in order to work Magic as a group must also be elevated in*br*its spiritual intensity to accomplish a working. The truth of this is also*br*to be found in spiritual interconnection between worlds and their creators.*p*Searles*p*