Re: To Every Cow its Calf Searles Sun Sep 13 18:29:01 1998 in the original post I translate the "signature" as this:*p*"He/she is not a Poet that does not preserve the ancient and common knowledge nor harmonize their telling"*p*The saying shows that the Filidh were the repositories of tribal wisdom and that they were considered to be sources of truth as well. A detailed discussion of coimgne can be found in the notes to "The Learned Tales of Medieval Ireland" by Proinsias MacCana.*p*Searles*p*Taliesin_2 wrote,*br*: Searles wrote,*br*: :*br*: : "Ní fili nad chomgne comathar nad scéla uile."*br*:*br*: Searles you said the answer lies in your *br*: "signature" above, but could you please supply a *br*: translation for those who know no Gaelic. Thanks!*br* Re: To Every Cow its Calf Taliesin_2 175 Sat Sep 12 21:31:32 1998