Re: Near Death Experiences Topaz Owl Sun May 10 20:18:14 1998 *br*Thanks for sharing your story, Jenny. *p*<< When I was nine, I nearly drowned. My NDE wasn't like other NDE's I've heard described. There were no bright lights, no tunnels. >> *p*I didn't have any bright lights either. I almost died when my heart (which has always been very irregular, but not before this in a physically noticable sort of way) decided to quit on me driving home from a class one day. I probably shouldn't have been driving; my friend told me I was white as a ghost when I left school, but I was stubborn and considered myself invincible then. I was hoping the fresh air would help, that the awful, sick feeling I had would just go away. It didn't. *p*I stopped the car when I couldn't see anymore. I remember the world then disappearing into a blackness before my eyes. I remember feeling the seperation of my spirit and my body, and resigned myself to the fact that my body was dying, and like you, I suddenly knew things...and then out of nowhere, a man (?) took both of my hands and said, "Breathe with me." And I did, with great effort; it was like he was pulling my spirit back into my body with every breath I shared with him, and all I remember were his eyes and the tremendous peace and safety I felt. I returned to my body, he said I would be okay now, and then he was gone, like he was never there. When the ambulance came a few minutes later, I asked about him, where he had gone. No one knew who I was talking about. *p*<< But after that point, I started hearing voices.>> *p*I started hearing things too, and when I hear those voices now, I listen...but mostly I could hear what other people were thinking. I found that I could see into people with amazing clarity, into their heads and hearts, and see the spirit behind the face. *p*There are, of course, times when I hope what I see is wrong, but it never seems to turn out that way. *p*<< It was like coming that close to death knocked something loose, broke down some barrier inside my mind. When I came back, Whatever-it-was tried to re-build the barrier (you will forget everything you saw). But the Wall was never as strong again. >> *p*I have been through that barrier several times since that first time. It is not very easy anymore for me to stay here. It's like the link between my body and soul was somehow "broken" then and repaired with a bit less glue than before. But I've been told I have to stay, so I do...I work really hard to stay sometimes, as a matter of fact. It's like my spirit wants to fly away, and I have to anchor it down. :-) *p*And I think what has brought this memory back to me, the reason I am pondering these experiences, is watching and listening to my brother as he adjusts to a similar thing. It's really rather fascinating. *p*Leigh Re: Near Death Experiences Jenny 17 Sun May 10 20:16:48 1998