Druidic Clothing and Dress Searles Tue Sep 22 15:10:41 1998 The topic of what to wear when practicing Drai/ocht and the equally varied topic of what the ancient Druids wore when performing ritual and ceremony is one that is often discussed among those who follow the ways of Druids. These are the beginnings of some thoughts that I have had on this topic from time to time:*p*The Druidic Revival concept of Druids was of men with long white beards and robes, perhaps wearing larger golden torcs or necklaces known as lunulae, and possessing a golden sickle. This concept is often ridiculed by modern scholars and some Pagans. I'm not so sure that the clothing and adornment concepts are wrong, so much as they are off in terms of style and application to the occasion.*p*The golden sickle was most likely a bronze one and perhaps worked or plated with gold. Such implements were ornamented and in common use among Bronze and Iron Age Celts. There are two very nicely ornamented bronze sickles shown as line drawings in _A Social History of Ancient Ireland_ on page 273 of Volume 2 by P.W. Joyce. These are called serr or searr (sharr) in Irish, but another name is carra/n (which means a reaping hook). Each looks as it would have been suitable for a ceremonial use in gathering herbs or cutting wheat and other grains. In _Forbhais Droma Dámhgháire, Seán O'Duinn translates that the great Druid Mogh Roith had a "... gray curved sword, .. bronze dagger, .. two hard five-forked spears..., the hide of a brown hornless bull to cover whole surface of the chariot..." He uses this hide and "..his speckled bird-mask with its billowing wings.." to ascend clouds of smoke into the Sky to do battle with other Druids among the clouds..*p*It would seem that bull hides were the clothing of the day when doing battle. In _A Guide to Irish Roots_ William and Mary Durning, state,*p*"The druid had four ritual uniforms, each identified a different function. During religious ceremonies and advisory councils, his white robe represented purity. When acting as an observer during a battle, a bull's hide and feathered headdress were worn. In council, at banquets or when reciting the genealogies, the uniform was a coat of six colors. When acting as a judge, a collar of gold was added to the coat."*p*In _A Social History_ Joyce cites the Druids as wearing a white robe based on notes by Tirechan regarding Rechrad, the Druid of Amalgaid, and his eight companions wearing white tunics when they attempted to kill St. Patrick. He also cites Pliny; remarking about the white robes and "golden sickles" of the Druids during the mistletoe ceremony.*p*In _Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish_ Volume III by Eugene O'Curry, there is a translation from the Book of Ballymote that says:*p*"...the order of the cloths according to their colors...*p*Mottled to simpletons; blue to women;*br*Crimson to the kings of every host;*br*Green and Black to noble laymen;*br*White to clerics of proper devotion."*p*Now this is a 14th century writing, though it contains traditional materials that are probably 9th century or before. The clerics mentioned are surely Christian clerics and not Druids (though I would think that Druids would have worn similar clothing when they held a similar rank in Irish society.)*p*O'Curry also describes a Druid named Tulchinne. the royal Druid of Teamhair in the rule of Conaire as wearing a speckled white cloak with clasps of gold on his ears (Da Derga's Hostel). In the same work, the swineherds are said to wear green frocks and black kilts. The three judges, Echdruim, Echruid, and Echruathar are described as wearing kilts of mixed colors with silver brooches for their robes. The harpers wore light blue cloaks with gold brooches, god ear clasps and silver torques. Da Derga is said to wear a white shirt and a green robe.*p*In another place he describes the dress of the three Fili, Sui, Rosui, and Forsui, as being "three speckled cloaks... three shirts with red interweavings of gold... and three brooches of gold.."*p*The Ancient Irish had a color system for clothing (detailed in another paper by myself), with white being a very rare color reserved for the finest of shirts and garments. I would think that a Druid would have had a white undergarment or long shirt and a speckled robe, threaded and embroidered with Gold, though there is mention made of the Druid Mogh Roith wearing a brownish gray bullhide when he went into battle..*p*I see no reason why a modern Druid could not wear a white robe or long shirt with a speckled or tartan brat as a part of today's ceremonial garb. I'm also wondering if there a reason that a white shirt has long been considered to be a part of formal attire. Is it because, such a shirt must be often cleaned or new in order to not show soiling? In the past, access to such levels of cleaning must have been a mark of social standing or proper behavior, even as it is today.*p*IMO Druids wore colors to indicate their role in a working. White, speckled, and black are all forms of all colors in terms of reflection, separation and absorption, respectively. Green and brown are colors that blend into Nature. Blue, gray-green and gray are the colors of the Sky and Sea. Red is the color of blood and sacrifice. Gold is the color of the Sun and silver is the color of the Moon. I would choose the color of vestments to suit the spirit and nature of my actions today. I'd think that the Druids of yesteryear would have also chosen their colors to suit the symbolism of their workings.*p*IMO it is important for us, as followers of the ways of Druids in the modern world, to establish the meanings and relationships of colors and dress as we perform ritual and Druidical actions. Perhaps such relationships could be the subject of another thread or even a seminar?*p*Searles*p*