Re: How Druids Created the World Beirdd Sat Sep 26 23:22:43 1998 Please allow me to correct myself:*p*The Edict of Milan (313) extended official tolerance to the Christians in the Empire, who had gone through 300 years of formal and informal persecution in cyclic waves. It wasn't for another 90 years or so that Christianity became the official state religion.*p*--Beirdd*p*Beirdd wrote,*br*: By the time *br*: Christianity could come out of hiding and persecution by *br*: becoming the official church of the Empire in 313, and so *br*: send out missionaries, the Roman Army no longer existed as a *br*: threat to any place much removed from the Italian peninsula.*br* Re: How Druids Created the World Beirdd 176 Sun Sep 13 00:38:52 1998