Re: Near Death Experiences Topaz Owl Sun May 10 20:20:55 1998 << Do you ever have spontaneous out-of-body experiences? >> *p*The thing that happens to me most times is what I consider a "disconnection" of body and spirit, similar to what you describe...but it's more like I am walking two steps behind myself, instead of leaving one or the other far behind. Like I don't leave my body behind, but rather that my body is trying hard to get back in sync (or catch up) with my spirit, or vice versa; sometimes it's hard to tell which. It's a strange sensation...connected, and yet not quite. *p*I have done that spontaneous "jumping" thing into other bodies, and yes, it is very unnerving sometimes. *p*I discovered yesterday that my brother has indeed acquired the Sight, and that his memory of what happened to him is more intact than he usually lets on. I guess once you cross that threshhold, you really don't come back -- at least, not as the same person that you thought you were. *p*I suppose it's all part of growing. :-) *p*Leigh Re: Near Death Experiences Jenny 19 Sun May 10 20:19:11 1998