Re: Course Of Study Books Lists Searles Mon Oct 5 02:08:48 1998 I think that having such a book list and some critically considered book reviews on Druid and Celtic ways is essential to our being able to work together using the traditional practices of our ancestors. I also believe that we would be doing one another a favor in providing our personal successes or failures with the techniques contained within these books. It is in this way that we will change ourselves and the world around us. It is also in this way that we will be able to reclaim the spirits of individuals from the abyss of material modern culture.*p*I'm working on such a list for several courses I plan to teach. The going is slow because I want to include only those books that have been tested by logic, practice and imbas.*p*Searles*p*GreyWolf wrote,*br*: Course Of Study Books Lists*br*:*br*: After briefly discussing this idea with Deb and Searles, we *br*: want to start working on pulling together a course of *br*: studies book, video and audiotape list. I will volunteer to *br*: be the central focus point and gather all information Course Of Study Books Lists GreyWolf 196 Tue Sep 29 18:44:45 1998