Re: The God of Druids Jenny Wed Oct 14 09:59:19 1998 Hi Taliesin,*p*By the way, the Elizabeth Grey text that Searles mentioned:*p*:On page 121 of _Cath Maige Tuired_, translation and notes by *br*: Elizabeth Gray, he is characterized as," Master of druidic arts.."*p*is extremely useful! Not only is it a great translation of the Battle of Moytura, but it has a FANTASTIC appendix listing the various Celtic Gods and Goddesses and information on them. It's sort of like a mini-"Guide to Celtic Mythology." It's one of the best places to find out obscure information on Irish mythology. Deities you've probably never heard of, such as Dianan, the daughter of Flidhais; references to obscure events; and unusual tidbits on the better known Gods.*p*(Correct me if I'm way off-base on this one, Searles. My library's in storage between moves, but I'm pretty positive it's Gray who has the fantastic appendix.)*p*Jenny Re: The God of Druids Taliesin_2 216 Mon Oct 12 16:57:10 1998