Re: Near Death Experiences Topaz Owl Sun May 10 20:24:39 1998 *br*You know what? I've remembered another time. *p*I was 4, and I was running with a peice of raw potato in my mouth (I loved raw potato), stubbed my toe, started crying and inhaled it...wedged that potato in my windpipe and cut off all my air. *p*It was very long ago, but there are things I remember clearly. I couldn't breathe, my mother or my sister called the doctor (yes, doctors still did house calls then), I was scared because I couldn't breathe...then suddenly I wasn't scared anymore (the acceptance that you spoke of, Searles, methinks), and thinking how *stupid* of me to choke to death on a potato...the last thing I remember is my mother turning me upside down by my feet in the kitchen. She tells me I turned blue, then white, and then I turned black, and stopped even trying to breathe. *p*From being upside down in the air, I recall only blackness...and then suddenly I was sitting on the kitchen table, and the doctor was coming in the door...and I smiled and said, "You're too late, doc." *p*My mother says that after I turned black, I went limp in her arms, and she had to do she stuck her fingers down my throat (which they always tell you not to do, but she was desperate) and pushed that potato right out. She does not remember me saying anything to the doctor, who came in just after she did that. She does not remember me sitting on the kitchen table either; she said that I was still on the floor in her arms when the doctor came in. But I remember it clear as day, and we have often argued about it in a good-natured way, because the story she tells just isn't how I remember it. *p*In retrospect, it *is* kind of odd that I was sitting on the kitchen table, but I recall that my mother was doing something on the kitchen floor... *p*I guess I just didn't realize at 4 years old (so close to spirit anyway) that it was only my spirit sitting on the table, matter-of-factly telling the doctor that he had arrived too late. *p*I don't remember anything else, but I'm still here, so I guess it worked out okay. :-) *p*And my father told me many years later that something he had always feared in his heart since the day I was born (that I would die very young) had nearly happened that day. Hmm...closer than he suspected, I think. *p*Sorry, just musing. *p*I would sometime like to hear about your experiences, Searles, when you have more time. *p*Topaz Re: Near Death Experiences Searles 21 Sun May 10 20:22:55 1998