What Distinguishes a Druid? Searles Thu Oct 15 02:15:48 1998 Questions were asked and questions are answered.*p*"What makes a Celtic Reconstructionist Druid approach to ceremony and what*br*are its basic elements, what makes an Anglo-Druid ceremony and what are its*br*essential elements, etc.? "*p*The common elements of Druidic ritual are: that the Gods are worshipped, no*br*evil is accomplished, and that the order of the cosmos is maintained*br*according to the laws, traditions and understandings of the people. The*br*differences between Druid groups in ritual can be found in much the same*br*place as their similarities. The names and relationships of the Gods to*br*the people are reflected uniquely in their worship. The concepts of good*br*and evil are influenced by the histories and the laws of the respective*br*people being served. In short, Druidic ritual possesses certain*br*commonalties and differences based on the relationships of the people to*br*the gods. Their similarities are to be found in the universality of*br*spirit, and their differences exist in the practices that distinguish one*br*culture from another. These differences are language, history, law,*br*tradition and national outlook.*p*" What does each approach include as its most basic elements of worship?"*p*The inclusive features of any Druidic worship are: the sacredness of*br*Nature, fire, and water; the use of music, poetry and chanting in spiritual*br*work; the recognition of the eternal nature of the soul; a complete*br*acceptance of the rebirth of the spirit from one life to another; the*br*practice of the three illuminations; a dedication to the truth of the gods;*br*a demonstration of the connection between the Three Worlds and the*br*Otherworld.*p*Each approach uses: elements of Nature, fire, and water, in ritual that*br*reflect the character of the Land, the nature of the People, and their*br*awareness of the Gods, in their ritual practice. Their music and chanting*br*reflect the language and heritage of their respective cultures. Their*br*modeling of the elements of the du/ile and the soul are colored by the*br*character of their surroundings and the hardihood of their survival*br*throughout their histories. Their ritual includes elements of the*br*relationship of the soul of humankind to non-humankind as reflected in*br*their own tales and traditions. Their oaths and affirmations of deity are*br*made based upon the covenants established by their ancestors and their*br*leaders with the gods in the past through tradition, in the present, through*br*ritual and proclamation and in to the future through divination and divine*br*utterance.*p*"What common elements make it possible for a Druid in Ireland or a Druid in*br*England or a Druid in America to recognize each other as colleagues?"*p*Though I have a slightly different interpretation of its meanings and*br*affirmations, theoaths of any Druid Order, as affirmed by its followers, contains the*br*common elements that make it possible for all Druids to recognize one*br*another. This truth is to be found in their actions, "Ni/ briathar a*br*dhearbhai/onn ach gni/omh fhirinneach." Beyond this, is the Truth affirmed*br*to the Gods, "An Fhirinne in aghaid an t-Saoil!"*p*Within this Truth is to be found one's personal truth, one's gods, and*br*one's birth as Draoi/. That is the mark of a Drui/ within any lifetime,*br*upon any world, and as expressed by any culture.*p*Sla/n is beannacht,*p*Searles