The Three Forms of TRuth Searles Wed Oct 21 17:16:41 1998 To a Druid, truth has three meanings:*p*1.) Truth is the picture that we paint to create our society.*p*2.) Truth is the way each part of the picture relates to every other part.*p*3.) Truth is the ability to create a picture using any canvas and any*br*medium.*p*In the first case, truth is the intersection of all truths in all*br*societies, a universal truth as our point of reference expands to the*br*infinite. In the second case, truth is bounded by the code defining the*br*interactions of a given segment of the universe. In the third case, truth*br*is to be found in the original given conditions that existed before, during*br*and after our search for truth.*p*As a Druid, the quest for truth should be never ending and its evaluation*br*should be determined based upon the appropriate point of reference. One*br*can judge Nature and society within the acknowledged laws of each. One can*br*seek to obtain all knowledge and sift the common truth within its varying*br*forms. One can deny the existence of eternal truth within a transient,*br*illusory world and seek an eternal truth beyond it.*p*A Druid is a truth in the form of his/her existence. A Druid is a seeker of*br*truth within the infinite possibilities of creation and beyond that*br*creation. A Druid is also a strong upholder of that truth when it is*br*found. One of the gauges of truth is its agreement with itself, but that*br*is also shaped by the container in which its exists. It is for this reason*br*that a Druid never ceases to seek truth or to expand the three cauldrons of*br*their own existence. *p*In short, a Druid is a seeker of truth, a knower of laws, and a creator of*br*harmonies.*p*Searles