The Nine Limbs of the Sacred Tree Searles Mon Nov 9 02:48:52 1998 THE NINE LIMBS OF THE SACRED TREE*p*I'd like to suggest a course of study, references and reading materials for*br*an aspiring Druid's education that is based upon an analogy with the art *br*and science of Yoga and a correlation with the Nine Dúile from Celtic lore.*p*Quoting from _Ayurveda and the Mind_ by Dr. David Frawley (Vamadeva):*p*"Classical Yoga provides an eightfold approach (Ashtanga) to achieve its*br*aim of reintegration. These eight "limbs" are not simply steps or stages,*br*though they do follow a certain sequence. They are like the limbs of the*br*body or parts of a house. Each has its proper role, though not all are*br*equally important. "*p*The Eight Limbs of Yoga*p*1.) Yama - Rules of Social Conduct*p*2.) Niyama - Rules of Personal Conduct*p*3.) Asana - Physical Postures: Right Orientation of the Physical Body*p*4.) Pranayama - Breath Control: Right Use of the Vital Force*p*5.) Pratyahara - Control of the Mind and Senses*p*6.) Dharana - Concentration: Control of Attention*p*7.) Dhyana - Meditation; Right Reflection*p*8.) Samadhi - Absorption: Right Union*p*Now, among the Celts and Druids there was a nine-fold division of the self*br*and the Cosmos known as the Dúile. These are detailed next with their*br*corresponding body parts, principles and cosmic correspondences.*p*Correspondences of the Duíle*p*1.) Cnaimh (Bones) - Cloch (Stone) - Foundation*p*2.) Colaind (Flesh) - Talamh (Earth) - Form*p*3.) Gruaigh (Hair) - Uaine (Plant Life) - Growth*p*4.) Fuil (Blood) - Muir (Sea) - Emotion*p*5.) Anal (Breath) - Gaeth (Wind) - Life Force*p*6.) Imradud (Mind) - Gealach (Moon) - Intuiton*p*7) Drech (Face) - Grian ( Sun) - Perception*p*8) Menma (Brain) - Nel (Cloud) - Wonder*p*9.) Ceann (Head) - Neamh (Heaven) - Mastery*p*If we look into the lore of the Celts and the wisdom of the Druids, we can*br*see a pattern that allows us to develop a series of nine steps or limbs to*br*the Sacred Tree or Bile.*p*The Nine Limbs of the Sacred Tree (Bile)*p*1.) The Foundations of Society (The Triads and The Brehon Laws)*p*2.) The Wisdom Texts (Audacht Morainn, The Advice of Cormac, the Rules of*br*the Fianna)*p*3.) The Lore of Places and Nature (The Dindshenchas, Ogham, Herbal and Tree*br*Lore, Animal Lore)*br* *br*4.) The Skills of Battle (Martial Arts and Emotional Disciplines, the Tests*br*of the Fianna, Games of Skill, Postures)*p*5.) Calling the Winds (Poetry, Teinm Laegda, Music, Chanting, Balance work)*p*6.) The Well of Segais (The Bed of the Poets, Meditation, Imbas Forosnai)*p*7.) The Champion's Portion (The Single Attention, the Divided Attention,*br*Dichetal Do Chennaibh)*p*8.) The Cattle of Tethra (Geisa, Divination, Cloud and Star Lore)*p*9.) The Great Song (Death, Rebirth, Becoming and Making)*p*These nine groupings are not to be pursued in a linear fashion but*br*holistically. We do not grow naturally in this manner and should not expect*br*our wisdom to grow in any different way. My own pursuit of excellence in*br*knowledge and wisdom of self is guiding me into these areas. I would be*br*interested in discussing each of them further, as well as being favored*br*with your own perceptions and practices along the Druid Way.*p*Slán is beannacht,*p*Searles*br*