Re: Druidic Code of Honor Searles Mon May 11 23:41:29 1998 I've begun posting items called "A Druid's Code" in the Public Library (available from the Crossroads page). It is my intention to post recorded and reported beliefs, practices, and ideals of the ancient Druids with the intention of expanding on them through mutual discussions with other Druids and Celts on the An Daire Draíochta and Aonach Ceilteach message boards. We'll probably eventually hold a seminar on these codes. *p*Searles*p**p*Taliesin_2 wrote,*br*: Hello, what would be a considered in you opinion a list of *br*: items for a Druidic Code of Honor? What would be ideal *br*: traits of a Druid? What in your most humble opinion be *br*: required of a Druid so that they would be considered *br*: honorable? The reason I am bringing this up is because there *br*: are many listings of requirements for a Celtic Warrior to be *br*: honorable, but there is close to nil regarding a Code of *br*: Honor for Druids... May the IMBAS start flowing in each & *br*: everyone of you.... *br* Druidic Code of Honor Taliesin_2 26 Mon May 11 23:40:35 1998