Re: One Of Us... TopazOwl Sun Nov 22 18:38:46 1998 Searles wrote,*br*: My gods look any way they want to look, but most often they *br*: do not have to manifest any sort of appearance at all. They *br*: have a *presence* that is more real than the senses can *br*: detect. The spirit is what resonates and identifies the *br*: presence of deity.*p* I totally concur with this. Sometimes the Gods appear as animals. Sometimes They look like just what you think They would look like from descriptions in the tales, and sometimes They surprise me by looking like something I hadn't considered. Most times though, They are a presence. Who has not felt deity on a quiet walk in the woods or along the seashore?*p*Leigh Re: One Of Us... Searles 277 Sun Nov 22 00:11:49 1998