Re: Maps... Taliesin_2 Fri Dec 4 22:18:36 1998 Willows wrote,*br*: The only thing I have right now, is the following from:*br*: the CELTS / Aedeen Cremin / Rizzoli, New York / ISBN *br*: 0-8478-2105-6*br*:*br*: "The area of Celtic culture extended by the second *br*: century BC over most of western Europe, all of the Alps, *br*: much of the Danube valley and part of Turkey. Most of it was *br*: later incorporated into the Roman Empire. North of the Alps *br*: and Pyrenees was the area known as Celtica: Within this area *br*: most people spoke Gaulish, but in Spain another language, *br*: Celtiberian was spoken. British and Pictish were spoken in *br*: Britain and Gaelic in Ireland."*br*:*br*: - hope this helps a little*br*: Dan*br*:*br*: -------------------------------------------------------------*br*: --*br*: Taliesin_2 wrote,*br*: : Can anybody tell me if there are any historical maps online *br*: : of Gaul and other Celtic nations that existed in the past??? *br*: : And are they in color or b&w??? Thanks...*p*Thanks Dan...*br* Re: Maps... Willows 282 Mon Nov 30 21:14:22 1998