Re: "There are No Real Druids Left!" An Cli'un Mon Dec 7 23:29:32 1998 TopazOwl, *br*it is good to see you, my friend!*p*Recognition is a warm and welcome thing, from friends. It's cold and hurtful from adversaries, or those who simply fight all to "make their place". You're right in feeling that some of those we see might be misguided, and are*br*simply trying to make a place by tearing others down. *br*Often, Elders' voices are drowned out in the clamoring of the young, or the foolish.*br*I like to think that the Wise listen to those to whom no one else will.*br*And Elders often have so much to say. They want only to be heard.*br*I would like to learn.*br*I have no patience for the endless argument, inevitable squabbles, and assorted ego-shit I've encountered from the communities at large.*br*The true jewels are those voices who offer wisdom through teaching, healing by practice, and competence by living. These are folks I'd like to be around much, much, more.*p*Recognition, in its best sense, describes how like souls pinpoint each other in this life. How we home in on each other, so to speak.*p*It's good to see you, my friend. To recognise you. *p*And there are "real" Druids left. With a bit of luck,and Dagda willing,*br*I might become one of them.*p*AC*p**br*TopazOwl wrote,*br*: All too often lately I have been unfortunate enough to *br*: hear this rallying cry from the ranks of the newsgroups and *br*: mailing lists, and out of the typing-impaired fingers of *br*: chat room denizens. They use it as an excuse to incorporate *br*: practices that are distinctly un-Celtic into their repetoire *br*: and still call it Druidism. They use it as a reason to avoid *br*: having spiritual leaders in their NeoCeltic Pagan *br*: communities (out of paranoia induced by experiences with *br*: other priest-type folk). They use it to try to direct chaos *br*: and disrespect at the knowledgable Elders on certain *br*: newsgroups, to try to discredit the words of a wise one and *br*: make themselves look "big." Some use it because *br*: they really believe it. Most telling, though, is that some *br*: are simply afraid of the idea that there really might *be* *br*: Druids in this modern world, and if so, well -- it would *br*: mean that *they aren't one of them.**br*:*br*: I am thinking that it really doesn't matter what these *br*: people believe to be true. It does not change our path; it *br*: is a mere annoyance that can be easily overlooked as we *br*: focus on more important things. The marvelous thing about *br*: being a Druid is that, for whatever reason, we *do* *br*: recognize each other. Does it really matter if others don't? *br*: :-)*br*:*br*: Owl /|\*br* "There are No Real Druids Left!" TopazOwl 274 Fri Nov 20 10:44:51 1998