Re: Druids & Psychic Abilities Searles Mon May 11 23:45:12 1998 I'd say that it is required of a Druid to be in touch with their spirit, whiuch means that all kinds of psychic abilities will also manifest within them when that connection is greatest. *p*I think a Druid's call to the way is that sort of experience and their initiation into the ranks would also be the same sort of spiritual/psychically enhancing change. This effect is similar towhat is found in people who have had NDE's (Near Death Experiences) IMO. I also believe that this strong connection to spirit alllowed Druids to present a strong case for the afterlife and their true belief in it. *p*Searles*p**p*Taliesin_2 wrote,*br*: Is it required of a Druid to have some kind od Psychic *br*: ability? And if a Druid has a low psychic ability, is there *br*: any way one can increase or boost the strength of their *br*: Psychic power? If so how?*br* Druids & Psychic Abilities Taliesin_2 28 Mon May 11 23:44:15 1998