Past Life Spell Taliesin_2 Thu Dec 24 23:17:13 1998 A Spell To Remember A Past Life*p*Items needed:*br* 1 white candle*br* 1 mirror*br* Yourself*p*Sit in front of the mirror, turn off the lights, and light the candle. Set*br*the candle next to the mirror so the light from it can hit your face, but so*br*you will not see the candle in the mirror. After this is done, look into your*br*eyes and say:*p* Orcal of luner light,*br* Send me the second sight.*p*Stare into your eyes and do not blink. Your reflection will dissolve and*br*another will appear. Try to look at the face, body,clothing,and surroundings.*br*After you do this you will have emotions you can not explane. Dont worry they*br*go away in a few minuets.