Books from Borders Taliesin_2 Tue Jan 19 14:30:45 1999 Yestday before I fell ill &spent the night in a hospital bed with a IV stuck in me, I went to Borders in Tyson's Corner here in VA. I was able to get some books Which I'd like to pass along for consideration for the book store.*p*The Witches' God**br*Janet & Stewart Farrar *br*ISBN # 0-919345-47-6*br*Pheonix Publishers*p**br*Gods and Fighting Men*br*Lady Gregory*br*ISBN # 0-901072-37-0*br*Colin Smythe *p**br*The Gods of the Celts*br*Dr. Miranda Jane Green*br*ISBN # 0-7509-1581-1*br*Sutton Publishing Ltd.*p**br*This last one I want a opinion on the author. I never heard of him.*p*Celtic Mythology*br*J.A. MacCulloch*br*ISBN # 0-89733-433-7*br*Academy Chicago Publishers*p** Its companion book The Witches' Goddess may want to be included as well. I wasn't able to get it though. They were out of stock.*p*>>> The people who published the is reprinting it now. It is currently out in hardback. <<< *br*I have a paperback version and a hardback version. If anybody is interested in buying the paperback version Email me at Please put The Matthews' Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom as the title of the Email. Thanks.