Re: Druidism/Taoism footlight Mon May 11 23:50:30 1998 Agreed, *p*Whether we urge our sights on Form, Or if we close our eyes to the All Unknowable; Whether our virtue and wit feels ripe, Or the contents of our imagination resound endlessly Into the Void; Whether destiny speaks in millenial cylcles Or awakens us with each beat of the Spirit Drum-- *p*It is a mirror to me; we are only really looking at ourselves, We are only really touching each other. And the Void is somehow filled-- And mysteriously remains open. *p*It is the Great Mystery that guides us; In each breath we draw it in. In every step we trample it. With every smile we deepen it. With every act we depend on it. And yet it remains unchanged, Yet still familiarly ours, charged, Conscious. Godlike. Fearful. *p*A mirror. *p*It has been some time since I have thought thoughts such as these. It is both embarrassing and fills me with ebullient playfulness. I would like to play more, share stories, drink together from the dripping Golden Peaches with lust and humility. Please write more.*p**p*An Cli'un wrote,*br*: I have felt the same, my friend. *br*:*br*: Whether Druid or Taoist, *br*: one must become a Heron in the Snows... *br*:*br*: It is in this way that we learn from the Earth, *br*: And spread Her Wisdom. *br*:*br*: AC Re: Druidism/Taoism An Cli'un 32 Mon May 11 23:49:08 1998