Re: Triad # 77 GreyWolf Sat Feb 13 22:45:27 1999 TopazOwl wrote,*br*: Triad # 77*br*:*br*: Moving right along to more Druidic Triads which have to *br*: do with law:*br*:*br*: The orginal:*br*:*br*: "Tréde conaittig fírinne: mess, tomus, cubus."*br*:*br*: The Meyer translation:*br*:*br*: "Three things which justice demands: judgement, *br*: measure, conscience."*br*:*br*: fírinne: 1.) justice, righteousness*br*: 2.) truth*br*:*br*: This triad *could* read:*br*:*br*: "Three things which Truth demands: judgement, *br*: measure, conscience." *br*:*br*: I believe that would be an alternate and perhaps more *br*: Druidic way to phrase it, as the word "Truth" *br*: seems to slightly change the focus of the triad to a more *br*: inward examination, rather than a judgement of another. :-)*br*:*p*Hummm*p*Do you then end up with two triads, that are very very similiar but have slightly different conotations?*p*I do see a difference between one that is about Law/Justice and one that is about Druidic Truth. Yes they are related but they are different too.*p*Thoughts anyone ??*p**br* Triad # 77 TopazOwl 364 Fri Feb 12 20:56:08 1999