Re: Blamire's Books Searles Tue May 12 12:08:08 1998 I find Blamires's books to all contain good and useful information. He sometimes does not go the distance on what the information completely means, buthe does expose our own inquiring minds to it. His publisher seems to tone down his writings and blend them with Wiccan beliefs and teachings that are not necessarilyhis own or completely Celtic IMO. I always buy books by Steve Blamires.*p*Searles*p**br*Taliesin_2 wrote,*br*: (From a previous thread about books by Steve Blamires).*br*:*br*: What of his other book "Glamoury"? Is it any good? *br*: Curious and seeking..*br* Blamire's Books Taliesin_2 4 Sun May 10 19:53:07 1998