A Call For Help and Action. GreyWolf greywolf@summerlands.com Sun Feb 21 20:40:04 1999 A Call For Help and Action.*p*I have tried to stimulate this idea in the past - with little success :-(*br*We shall try this one more time.*p*I feel that it is imperative that the Summerlands Book Store have a Basic Set of *br*Books that Must be read if you want to learn about the Celts or if you want to set*br*yourself on the Druidic Path. Note: we do have a recommended list but I want to*br*update that list and add to it as needed - see the link.*p*I would like to be able to come up with a list of books via category -*br*Archaeology, Legends, Basic Background, ect ect you tell me the categories.*p*I want to slightly change the opening pages to the Rowan Leaf Book Store to force*br*the book browser to first enter the Must Read Books Page and from there launch*br*into the rest of the store.*p*I really feel that it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that - We Collectively - come up with such*br*a recommended/must read list of books.*p*I would like you to send me any and all books that you feel are on the must read list.*p*I will compile this list and as a group we will edit the list - if needed - and then*br*I will go to work on getting this list linked into the store.*p*Based upon many discussions I have followed recently on who and what is a Celt, who *br*and what is a Druid, how does one set onself on a course to learn about the Celts and*br*the Druids, how does one become a Druid, and the many reoccuring requests for lists of*br*recommended books from many people, I feel that is way past time we came up with this*br*list of books. It is something that the Summerlands needs to have available.*p*When I have responses I will start a thread on the Tower Board to list the books and from there*br*we can refine and add to the list as needed to get something that we can all be proud of. *br*We as a community Need/Must do this for ourselves and as a service to many others that are *br*looking for help. *p*I will start with some examples of books that I think need to be on the Must be read list*p*Celtic Heritage Rees & Rees*br*The Druids Stuart Piggott*br*The Druids Peter Ellis*br*The History of the Celtic People Henri Hubert*br*Ancient Ireland - Life Before the Celts Laurence Flanagan*br*Carmina Gadelica Alexander Carmichael*br*The Apple Branch Alexei Kondratiev*p*(Feel free to keep the list growing)*p*OK, I have said my piece, now PLEASE send me your suggestions for this list. http://www.summerlands.com/marketplace/Bookstore2/amazon_store/recommended.htm