Re: A Call For Help and Action. Searles Mon Feb 22 09:04:42 1999 I completely agree with the requirements that you state for the list of books and for the work of its compilation to be a joint effort. The depth and the strength of our list will be empowered by its contents and supported by the far ranging network of spirit and concern that such a community wide effort will create. You are wise in seeking such strength through variety and the interlinking of our life strands. What better binding for books than a working of spirits?*p*I'll be considering my suggestions and then will be sending them to you.*p*Searles*p**br*GreyWolf wrote,*br*: A Call For Help and Action.*br*:*br*<snip>*br*:*br*: I feel that it is imperative that the Summerlands Book Store *br*: have a Basic Set of *br*: Books that Must be read if you want to learn about the Celts *br*: or if you want to set*br*: yourself on the Druidic Path. Note: we do have a *br*: recommended list but I want to*br*: update that list and add to it as needed - see the link.*br*:*br*<snip>*br*:*br*: I really feel that it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that - We *br*: Collectively - come up with such*br*: a recommended/must read list of books.*br*:*br*: I would like you to send me any and all books that you feel *br*: are on the must read list.*br*:*br*<snip> A Call For Help and Action. GreyWolf 378 Sun Feb 21 20:40:04 1999