Brehons. . . Aicerno OCathasaigh Tue Mar 2 16:22:03 1999 Searles,*p* I was wondering how the work on the cairdean page was coming. . . As well as pondering on a few other issues also. Besides the Brehon work, I've been thinking about the issue of 'assisted suicide' and the possibilty of renewing the practice of human sacrifice.*p* The reasons are this: no group can control another's decision to end their life, even after they get 'counselling', what if they still decide to go through with it, would it be better if they were given possible variations of suicide?*p* Granted this is a very radical departure from society's belief that death is to be feared, and avoided at all costs; but death and birth are the same, or so I've come to realize, and that instead of just ending their lives with a bullet, poison, or rope, those who choose to do so, might want their death to go towards helping the greater society, hence an "assisted suicide' in the form of human sacrifice. Also, why do we fear death? It is a part of life, as is birth, and without death we cannot be reborn. . . *p* On another note, I've also been thinking about a reestablishment of a sexually oriented rite, especially for Beltinne. The reason for this is that all of the major holy days from Samhain to Samhain are oriented around the human reproductive cycle (this piece of enlightenment came from noticing that Oimelg followed Beltinne by 9 months which is the gestation period for a woman *give or take a few days*, and Lugnasadh by Beltinne). I personally don't think this escaped the composers of those various holidays. And Beltinne as a fire festival in it's own right should be a rite and festival given towards open and free sex (which is ruled by the element of fire, or so I've heard) between men and women alike. One might counter with a comment like: "What about AIDs or other STD's?", which brings us right back to the issue of death. We can only live so long, instead of trying to prolong life, why not enjoy those days which we've been given? If we die, we just go one to whatever or whereever we're going before we are reborn. Simple logic is it not?*p*Aicerno