Re: Celts, Karma and Reincarnation TopazOwl Sat Apr 3 23:53:05 1999 Searles O'Dubhain wrote,*br*: Celts, Karma and Reincarnation*p*Searles:*p* Well done! This all very much agrees with what I myself suspect, based on what I have experienced. *p* I find it interesting that there seems to have been various beings that the Celtic spirit could become, and I wonder sometimes if it only depends on what that spirit *wanted* to be at that particular stage in its continuing story.*p* IMO, whether or not the tales of shapeshifting or transmigration are only descriptions of shamanic states of being or are truly stories of death and rebirth doesn't matter, since the two are so close to being the same state that it seems like splitting hairs to quibble over such. (I am thinking about some arguments I've heard for the former.)*p* I'd like this in the Avalon Library, if you would be so kind. :-)*p*Leigh*br* *p* Celts, Karma and Reincarnation Searles O'Dubhain 405 Fri Apr 2 00:20:40 1999