My Final Word Taliesin_2 Sun Apr 18 00:53:55 1999 While I appreciate Jenny's quick response I have been trying to think of a decent rebuttle. The only thing I can come up with may ruffle some feathers. I had suggested re-paganizing some Celtic/Irish blessings and sayings. Jenny had said that the only time to remove the [Christian] influences was to STUDY them. I disagree. I think we should be able to re-paganize them for the _full_ Celtic _AND_ Pagan*br*influence/reference. [I apologize if I seem to be muddling things.] I admit I most likely am prejudiced against the Christian Church, but aren't we all in one manner or another? I just feel that we must understand the true Celtic flavor before we taste the flavor of the hybrid. Yet, (IMO alone) we seem unwilling to do this. Why? Yes I know the Irish/Celts were a very Spiritual people, but I would like to experience the Celtic/Pagan influence before I experience the Celtic/Pagan/Christian influence. Though there will be [hot] responses to this post I will not respond to any of them. Sorry. Re: Re-Paganization Jenny 411 Fri Apr 9 14:55:55 1999