akierno_ocasey@hotmail.com Some reflections. . . Aicerno OCathasaigh akierno_ocasey@hotmail.com Fri Apr 23 14:33:20 1999 In order to understand the light, one must first explore the dark.*p*In order to understand the dark, one must first explore the light.*p*Do not fight the darkness, rather, merge with it's flow as a stream merges with a river, or the river merges with the sea.*p*While exploring the dark side, at all costs, do not let the negative emotions gain mastery of onesself. However, seek out these emotions and gain mastery over them, otherwise one cannot escape.*p*Unlearn all that one has learned. . . emptiness is the beginning of the path to enlightenment and true learning. One must know where they came from but history is also a double-edge sword acting as a chain that binds as well as frees.*p*Without chaos, there can be no order. Without order, there can be no chaos.*p*NOTHING is as it appears, and illusion can oft be confused with reality, just as reality can oft be confused with illusion. Remember Alice and the Rabbit hole.*p*There is something to nothingingness, but one must first find the nothing before they realize the something.