Pagan Seminaries Searles Sun May 23 10:08:15 1999 I've been working in a group of other PaganFolk to try to develop and establish Pagan Seminaries for priest/ess-hood. As a part of the process we are investigating curricula and accredidation scenarios.*p*I'd like to discuss the matter here and perhaps have the permission of interested Druids and friends regarding posting some (most or all) or what we discover and offer to the email list as well. Perhaps the communications can be a two way street that benefits us all?*p*There are matters of general courssework and particular traditions to be considered. There is the seperation of church and state as well as the issue of authority to be addressed. Some of the issues revolve around mundane items like funding, housingand facilities while others rightly consider the aspects of spirituality and communications across Pagan traditions.*p*Your thoughts, words, ideas and actions will be much appreciated by me and perhaps will become the seeds of a bountiful crop for the future of Pagan education.*p*Searles