Re: Pagan Seminaries Searles Sun May 23 22:49:40 1999 Here's what they've suggested:*p*REGARDING CURRICULUM*p*From:*p*> From: "Sandy Caswell" <>*br* ---8<---*br*> An AA in Pagan Studies requires 48 credits from the following courses: (List*br*> folks - any topic you add should fall into one of these catagories so the*br*> credits work out. Think liberally)*p* I'm going to add my ideas for useful classes or coverage under the *br*appropriate header, but across all levels from beginning to adept. I *br*doubt they'll all see production but they're worth considering. Some *br*would probably be of most use at a large graduate-level facility.*br* *br*> 1. Introduction to Paganism - Theory, Application & Ethics*br*> "Drawing Down the Moon" by Margot Adler *br*> "Spiral Dance" by Stargawk*br*> "What, When, Why?" by Robin Wood*br*> "Introduction to Paganism" by Viviane Crowley*p* Classic Pagan Literature 101 could go here or under English. In *br*fact, let's allow course to be cross-listed. Most of my Women's *br*Studies classes were interdisciplinary ones, and they numbered among *br*my favorites of all. That way a student could use the same class to *br*fill one or more requirements, though they wouldn't get double credit *br*in terms of *hours*. *p*> 2. Math choose 2 *br*> Numerology*br*> Mathimagick*p* Accounting 101: Covens, Local Organizations, and Other Small Groups*br* Accounting 201: Treasury Management, National Organizations, and *br*Other Large Groups*p* Astrological Calculations (don't know the level, but some of these *br*are really complicated equations; 200 or 300 level, at a guess)*p* Mass Manipulations: Statistics, Demographics, and Estimations *br*(probably 300-400, my mother has taken classes like this)*p*> 3. English choose 2*br*> Religious Composition*br*> Magical Alphabets*br*> Spiritual Journaling*p* You know, "English" is a really prejudiced title (though standard) *br*given how much classic Pagan material originated in other languages. *br*Perhaps "Language Arts" would work better?*p* Pagan Characters in Fiction 102*br* Classic Pagan Poetry 102*br* Practical Composition 102 (how to write press releases, letters of *br*support/protest, organizational documents, etc.)*br* Professional Writing (200-300, for entry into the Pagan publishing *br*field as a career choice)*br* Oral Traditions 101 *br* Propaganda 201 (survey of samples, how to recognize it, how to *br*combat it, theories)*p*> 4. History choose 2*br*> The Inquisition*br*> The Salem Trials*p* This is *really* skewed, though I agree those two need classes of *br*their own. I'd like to avoid Euro-centrism, so:*p* Paleopaganism 101+ (covering evidence of the most ancient religions *br*around the world)*br* African History*p* Native American History 101 (U.S. and Canada)*br* Native American History 102 (Mexico southward)*p* Chinese History 101 (add more if enough interest, given how many *br*thousands of years it covers)*br* Asian History 101 (other than China)*p* Historical Structures 101 (sacred sites, temples, monuments, etc. *br*from ancient cultures)*p* The Evolution of Monotheism 201+ (can't leave out the *br*Judeo-Christian pack because graduates will have to deal with them *br*all the time)*p* The Great Spiral: Cyclical Patterns in History (something 99% of *br*history curricula ignore, yet central to the whole subject; could *br*cross-reference with math if desired, 200-300 level)*p* Historical Extrapolation (learning from past mistakes so history *br*doesn't have to keep repeating itself, and using historical examples *br*to predict outcomes of current events; 300-400 level)*p*> 5. Science choose 2*br*> Eco - Spirituality*br*> Earth Science*br*> Biology*br*> Science and Natural Law*br*> Astrology *br*> Herbs*br*> Crystals*p* Astronomy 101*br* *br* Computer Programming 100 (basics)*br* Computer Programming 101+ (intermediate)*br* Computer Science 201 (WYSIWYG document management & Website design)*br* Computer Science 301+ (HMTL programming, database design, etc.)*p* Chemistry 101+*p* Physics 101+*br* Advanced Physics (quantum mechanics and other cutting-edge theories *br*that begin to show magic as a real force; probably 300-400 level)*p*> 6. Comparative Religion choose 2*br*> Druids (including ADF, NRDA, _____) *br*> Wicca (including Dianic, Gardenarian, Alexandrian, Faery, _____)*br*> Native American (including Lakota / Sioux, Navaho, Iroquois *br*> Nation, Tuscarora _____)*p* You might have to break down NA by region. Lakota and Cheyenne have *br*similarities, or Navaho and Hopi, but compare Pueblo with Seminole *br*and there's a lot less in common. There *is* a recognizable feel *br*that binds all the North American trads together as distinct from, *br*say, Meso-American or Austrailian or European. Bioregional breakdown *br*might go like this:*p* North American Traditions 101 (East Coast & Southeast)*br* North American Traditions 102 (Midwest and Great Plains)*br* North American Traditions 103 (West Coast and Southwest)*br* North American Traditions 104 (Canada and Alaska)*p*Those are close enough to make sense together. Hawaii I'd put into a *br*general "Pacific Island Traditions" class.*p*> Hindu*br*> Buddism*br*> African (including Voudoun, Santaria, African Community *br*> Shamanism, _____ ) *p* Ethics & Morality 100 (comparing diverse systems)*br* Ethics & Morality 101 (any specific tradition)*p*> 7. Electives choose 4 from any area listed in the AA curriculum*br*> Family Paganism*br*> "Circle Round" by Starhawk et al *br*> 8. Final Project *br*> Your choice of subject to be approved by PSC*p* Major gaps: You haven't got any kind of Creative Arts section *br*(music, theatre, crafts, etc.) and you haven't got any kind of *br*Kinetic Studies section (dance, martial arts, sports, yoga, etc.) and *br*those are not only common to mundane colleges but important for a *br*Pagan seminary too. I wouldn't want to leave them adrift under *br*Electives. Offhand, I'd suggest two courses from CA and one from KS. *br* You can get around the number crunch problem by allowing that not *br*all courses will count for three hours. I took some that counted for *br*one or two or four. The total number of credit hours should remain *br*the same. *p* Creative Arts*p* Historical Performers 101: Bards, Skalds, and Twisted Hairs (covers *br*the role of musicians and storytellers in traditional Pagan *br*societies)*p* Contemporary Pagan Music 101 (appreciation)*br* Contemporary Pagan Music 201+ (performance)*br* Ancient Pagan Music 101 (appreciation)*br* Ancient Pagan Music 201+ (performance)*br* Music for Ritual 101 (appreciation)*br* Music for Ritual 201+ (performance)*br* Musical Composition 101+*p* The Healing Power of Music 201 (theory & application)*br* The Business of Music 301 (for professional Pagan musicians, *br*composers, singers, lyricists, etc.)*br* *br* **br* Historical Pagan Art 101 (appreciation -- all media)*br* Contemporary Pagan Art 101 (appreciation -- all media)*p* Photography 101+ (theory & practice)*br* Film Processing 101+ (before you ask why, think about the last time *br*you tried to run skyclad photos through K-Mart; we *need* more Pagan *br*photoprocessors)*p* Crafting Ritual Tools 201 (mixed media) *br* Sewing Ritual Garments 201 (fabric and leather)*br* Maskmaking 201 (mixed media)*p* Painting *br* Drawing*br* Ceramics*br* Woodworking*br* Metalsmithing*br* Jewelrymaking*br* Textiles*br*These comprise the most popular forms of Pagan art/craft today, based *br*on my personal experience, and should be offered at various levels *br*depending on student interest. Other folks may wish to add some, *br*different seminaries will probably offer different arts. Some arts *br*are sacred to certain traditions and should be included in specialist *br*degrees for same.*p* The Business of Arts and Crafts 301 (for professional artisans of *br*all kinds)*p* **br* Historical Pagan Theatre 101 (appreciation)*br* Paganism on the Silver Screen 101 (survey of films about Paganism, *br*good and bad)*p* Acting 101+*br* Plays 201+ (performance)*br* Storytelling 201+*br* The Theatrics of Ritual (performance & theory, probably 200-300)*br* The Mechanice of Theatre 101 (lighting, props, stage setup, etc.)*p**br* Kinetic Studies*p* Sacred Dances 101 (appreciation)*br* Sacred Dancing 201+ (performance -- offer different trads)*p* Social Dances 101 (appreciation)*br* Social Dancing 201+ (performance -- offer different ethnicities, *br*societies, and time periods)*p* Traditional Sports 101 (appreciation)*br* Traditional Sports 201+ (performance -- offer different trads)*p* Martial Arts 101 (appreciation)*br* Martial Arts 201+ (performance --offer selection of Eastern & *br*Western styles)*p*<wistful sigh> I don't think we could get away with Erotic Arts.*p* Yoga 101+ (performance)*br* Kinetic Meditation 101+ (cover all types of moving meditation, *br*theory & practice) *br* Biofeedback Techniques 101 (theory & practice)*br* Massage 101+ (offer various styles) *br* *p*> A BA in Pagan Studies requires 96 credits; 48 from the Associates Degree *br*> plus 48 from the following:*br*> *br*> 1. Mythology Choose 1 *br*> God/dess Mythology and Cosmology*br*> Goddesses of the World*br*> Contemporary Feminism*br*> , Women's Mysteries*br*> Men's Mysteries*br*> "Iron John" by Robert Bly*p* Archetypes 101*br* Regional Mythology 101+ (Celtic, Norse, Native American, African, *br*Australian, Chinese, etc.)*br* Modern Mythmaking 201*p*> 2. Spiritual Development Choose 1*br*> Divination and Psychic Development*br*> Prayer and Meditation *br*> Meditation, Invocation and Chanting*br*> Magick*p* Safety Precautions 100 (for everyone, should be a required class *br*unless the student can proficiency out; cover basics like do not *br*leave lit candles unattended, do not ingest unidentified plants) *br* Safety Precautions 201 (for ritual leaders: stocking a first-aid *br*kit, accident-proof altar layouts, handling freaked-out *br*attendees)*p* Basic Skills 100 (grounding, centering, shielding, visualization, *br*and I'd have put meditation here but it's already covered)*p* Totems, Guides, and Helper Spirits 101*br* Drawing Down the Moon/Sun 201*br* Tools & Supplies (their acquisition, care, & use)*p*> 3. History choose 1*br*> 4. Science choose 1*br*> 5. Law choose 1*br*> Brehon Law*br*> Bardic Law*br*> Legal Aspects to a Holistic Practice*br*> How to Incorporate as a Church*br* *br* Introduction to Pagan-Related Legalities 100*br* Legal Aspects to a Pagan Organization 201*br* How to Incorporate as a Nonprofit Organization 201*br* Copyright Law (probably just a one-hour course or weekend intensive, *br*but I've seen *so* many violations that I'm convinced of the need for *br*much more education on the topic; cover works of art, written works, *br*photographs, intellectual property, etc.)*br* Domestic & Personal Law (regarding child custody, workplace *br*grievances, landlord problems, vandalism, stalking, death threats, *br*etc. and how to cope)*br* Case Studies (an in-depth exploration of crucial court cases *br*involving Pagans or pertaining to Pagan rights/practices; probably *br*300-400 level)*p*> 6. Psychology choose 1*br*> Intro to Psychology*br*> Priest/ess as Counselor*br*> Addictions*p* Coming Out of the Broom Closet 201 (how to come out, how to help *br*others through the coming-out process)*br* Crisis Intervention 100 (suitable for those who aren't going to *br*offer counseling -- anyone can suddenly find themselves confronted *br*with a hysterical friend or acquaintance)*br* Cults and Cult Behaviors (their history and appeal, how to recognize *br*dangerous cults, how to demonstrate the difference between Pagan *br*religions and cults) *br* "Cults in Our Midst" and "Why People Believe Weird Things" *br* Psychology of Nonhuman Beings (how to deal with *br*deities, ancestors, guardian spirits, etc. -- probably 300-400 level)*p*> 8. Anthropology choose 1*br*> 9. Leadership Skills choose 1 *br*> Public Speaking*br*> Basic Educational Skills *br*> (How to teach adults, teens, children, pre-school.)*br*> Administration, Organization and Leadership*br*> "Covencraft" by Amber K. *br*> Ritual and Liturgy*p* Conflict Resolution & Damage Control 100*br* Networking 101*br* Facilitation 201+ *br* "Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making"*br* Mediation 201+*br* Ethics & Morality 201+*p*> 10. Electives choose 5 from AA or BA curriculum*br*> Death and Dying*br*> "The Pagan Book of Death and Dying" by Starhawk*br*> Ritual tools *br*> Magical skills *br*> Hands on Healing / Energy Work*p*I'd separate energy healing from other types of energy work. Healing *br*covers multiple methods on a single theme. The others cover things *br*like casting a Circle, erasing impressions in an object, dispersing *br*negative energy in an area, etc. Start with Healing Energy 101 and *br*move up from there; call the rest Energy Manipulation 101.*p* Distance Perception 101+ (includes scrying)*br* Magical Dreaming & Dream Interpretation 101+*br* Spell Design 101+*br* Magical Correspondences 101+*br* Subtle Communications 101+ (empathy, telepathy, etc.)*br* Magic Theory 201+*br* Magical Workspace 101 (covers altars, altar cabinets & supplies, *br*workrooms, shrines, etc.)*br* *br*> Master's Degrees are offered in the following areas:*br* ---8<---*br*> Doctorate Degrees are offered in the folowing aresa:*br* ---8<---*br*> Would this be a good beginning? Again, please, add everything you can think*br*> of to this work in progress.*p* Splendid! I could find nothing to add in the Master's or Doctorate *br*Degrees, you seem to have covered everything.*p* Blessings,*br* Elizabeth*p**br*TopazOwl wrote,*br*:*br*: I'd like to see what has (so far) already been *br*: discussed, if you don't mind. And I understand that this is *br*: for Pagans in general, and not just Druids, yes?*br*:*br*: Leigh*br* Re: Pagan Seminaries TopazOwl 467 Sun May 23 19:19:28 1999