Re: Ogham Divination Aicerno OCathasaigh Tue Jun 22 23:23:02 1999 Searles wrote,*br*: This is a reminder that we will soon be opening the *br*: registrations for the Ogham Divination Class. If you have *br*: not attended it, I highly recommend that you do so. IMO the *br*: Ogham are the key to assimilating the knowledge of the *br*: Druids and the Poets. They are a step toward understanding *br*: tradition and being able to incorporate imbas into it for *br*: the benefit of tribe and self alike.*br*:*br*: We'll probably be discussing some of our thoughts on this *br*: message board for those of you who are unable to attend, *br*: though I suspect that you'll also be wanting the added *br*: benefits of the class materials, the book and the *br*: interactive discussions on IRC as well.*br*:*br*: Searles*p**L* Much would I like to attend, but my schedule will not allow for much in the way of active participation in the class. However, I'll keep my ear to the ground for info as it passes through the message board.*p*Aicerno Ogham Divination Searles 478 Tue Jun 22 22:58:11 1999